how to clear your cache

How To Clear Your Cache

Not seeing your beautiful new website or social media pages?  Your browser cache may not have caught up with reality.  Internet browsers like Chrome, Safari and Firefox are designed to help make your browsing experience more efficient by saving snapshots of the websites you visit.  When you return, your browser will pull up that saved version to display for you rather than reloading the actual version of the website.  This can be confusing when you launch a new website as it may appear that the old one is still live.  How long the browser will save the cached version depends …

How to Establish Website Privacy and Security

How to Establish Website Privacy and Security

There are several layers to the security of any website, but here is the WordPress specific overview on how to establish website privacy and security: The physical server the website software is running on.  We recommend hosting at GoDaddy.  Here are their website security plans: . We suggest the Deluxe plan at $15.99/month for most businesses. The data being sent to/from your website should be encrypted via an SSL.  This adds the https:// to your url, and the lock in some browsers.  Google now uses this in its ranking algorithm.  Further down on that same page you’ll see the annual SSL …

Having an ADA Compliant Website: 3 Reasons Why You Should Act Now

Having an ADA compliant website is something that is becoming increasingly more paramount. As website functionality continues to improve, so too does the expectation that it will become easier to navigate, for those with disabilities and without. After all, an estimated 48.9 million people in the U.S. are considered disabled. While those of us who don’t have disabilities may take website navigation for granted, whether it be desktop or mobile, this isn’t the case for these 48.9 million individuals. For this reason, an ADA compliant website is becoming the standard. What is ADA? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was …

Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing: Which Is A Better Investment?

For many small business owners, the thought of marketing is both exciting and frightening. On one hand, you’re excited to get your brand out there and start attracting some clients. But on the other, it’s an investment—it costs money to make money. So if you must spend money to promote your business, the question is digital marketing vs traditional marketing, and which do you choose? What’s the Difference? Before you can choose which marketing strategy is right for you and your business, you first need to know the difference between the two types of marketing. Prior to the increasing presence …