Video Shoots And Editing

Your audience is becoming increasingly visual, and videos are a great way to connect.

Sizzle Reels

A sizzle reel is typically a 1-3 minute, well-edited feature video for your brand.  Think of it like your brand’s commercial.  It tells your story and will be reused across digital channels and sales presentations.  It is the video you’ll include on your website homepage, pin to the top of your YouTube channel, and include in the footer of your emails.  Here are a few examples:

Talking Head Videos

These are the videos where your audience can get to know you before they get to know you.  It’s you adding value by demonstrating your expertise.  You may answer FAQs, speak on a trending topic, or share insights.  Here are a few examples:

Live Streams

Lives are a great way to build your audience.  You may go live on any social media platform, but Facebook groups and YouTube are a great way to start.  We can even help you to go live simultaneously on multiple platforms.  The videos are then saved for future viewing.  Sounds scary?  We’ve got you and can cohost a live with you either on or off camera.  Here are a few examples:

Facebook live for cannabis education

Social Media Reels & Shorts

Shorts and Reels are gaining traction to build your audience.  They can quickly consume a tip or insight when they don’t have time to watch a longer video.  Here are a few examples:

Graphic Videos

With our social media graphic video plans you can have high engagement videos for your YouTube channel, to upload to Facebook, add to Instagram, link from your directory listings and other social media platforms, or to stream on your website, all being created magically by marketing gnomes without you needing to be on camera. We can use photos, other video clips, stock footage, text and graphic design to create an eye catching video for your small business. And given that 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound, quick, catchy graphic videos are the way to go!

Prefer Your Own Video Shoot? We Do That Too!

Do you prefer to DIY your videos? Your options are limitless! We can guide you through simple equipment to capture your videos and even direct your shoot virtually anywhere in the country to save travel costs.  We’ll work with you on topics and run of show planning.  We’ll then take your raw footage and edit it into any form of video needed to make you look great online, cleaning up the sound as needed.   Then we’ll distribute your video across social media platforms and can even promote it for you.  Just ask!

But what should my videos be about?

Think about:

  • Client testimonials
  • “How To”
  • Share an announcement
  • Q&A
  • Inside Scoop – Behind The Scenes
  • The making of your product or service
  • Clients enjoying your product or service
  • How to use (or not use) your product or service
  • Meet your team
  • Interview an expert (or be the expert in the interview)
  • Review the tools you use
  • A day in the life
  • Before and after
  • Announce an event
  • Tell a fun story that relates to your business
  • Demonstrate something
  • Tour your business
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • How you got started
  • Give a play-by-play on a company event
  • Share your opinion on a popular topic
  • Tie into a charity
  • Bonus points if you can work in a cute baby or animal!

Promote Your Video For More Views

We make social media video easy! Need a custom solution? Contact us to create a package sized for your small business social video needs.