Our strategies are backed by experience and deep analytics


Your online presence should be as great as your business


Each month we review performance and give you personalized recommendations.

We're looking for clients for life.

No long-term contracts. We let our work speak for us.

  • Proven small business strategies born from consulting to 30 of the Fortune 500
  • 100s of startups and small businesses helped across every industry
  • 14 design and technical specialists blend art & science to get you found

“Diane and her team are magically amazing. If you need to take your business to the next level painlessly- give them a try. You won’t regret it!”

Brandy Abreu ESQ., AM Law

How it works

Talk to us
Launch your plan
Get found

Now it's your turn to get found.

The bar is higher in marketing these days. You need to be an artist, tech nerd, psychologist, strategist, social wizard, videographer and author to get found. Only 50% of small businesses survive more than 5 years yet 47% of small business owners handle their own marketing. Coincidence?

Why should I DIY my small business marketing?

Hiring someone else to do your marketing doesn’t make money magically appear overnight. Like anything, it’s a process, and anyone who tells you differently isn’t being honest. So yes, DIY marketing is cheaper. But as an entrepreneur, you are the face of your business, and you should spend your time facing outward by networking and forming new alliances, making strategic decisions for your company or practice, being impactful to your clients, and leading your team. Writing blogs and dreaming up your next social media posts are likely NOT the best way to spend your time.

We get that, but we didn’t come up with the name “Zen” Change Marketing by accident. We know how stressful it is to run your own business, so we try not to be needy. Our goal is to be the “wind beneath your wings,” so to speak, and offload as much from you as possible to make running your company a little easier. Lean on us for marketing strategy guidance. Trust us to create a digital look & feel that will make you as compelling as possible online. And let our word wizards write copy that sounds as though you channeled your inner J.K. Rowling…without the dark magic.

If you decide to hire an in house marketing person, we’re good at “playing nice in the sandbox with others” and can supplement your internal efforts. One thing we’ve learned over the years though is that finding all of the marketing skills you’ll need all wrapped up into one person is almost impossible. That’s why we’ve built a team of specialists. Our Adwords guy only does Adwords all day. Our social media consultants only do social media. Our writers only write and sub-specialize into blogs and longer copy, vs. short ad copy and home page copy. Our web developers are masters of their technology and focus there. And we have a digital artist able to create traditional graphics or hand-drawn art. We have SEO experts and social media ad experts too. By wrapping all of these specialties into our packages, the marketing we can deliver to small business owners is unparalleled.

We love helping even tiny businesses to grow. In fact, many of our clients have been with us for years, and we have adjusted our support to meet their needs at each stage of their growth. Some of our clients are spending a few hundred dollars per month on their marketing while others spend thousands. For some small businesses, we’re simply helping them keep their digital presence looking professional and up-to-date, while for others, we’re creating and managing lead funnels to help them grow. Whether your budget is $150/month and you’d like a bit of coaching to see if you’re doing your marketing right or looking for a partner to fuel the next stage of growth of your ExO startup, we have a plan to suit your needs.

Don’t worry; we’ve got you. No two businesses are the same, and so no two marketing plans should be the same. Before we launch into delivery, we’ll create a customized plan with you that considers where you are in your growth, your budget, what you’re able to DIY, what your competitors are up to, and how to prioritize your marketing spend.

That’s awesome! Especially if your sister is managing your marketing for free ’cause she loves you. If your sister truly has marketing expertise, consider offering her a little coaching from one of our marketing experts she can use as a sounding board. Perhaps we can run some performance analytics for her with our fancy, expensive tools. Or, there may be some marketing areas she’s comfortable with and others where she could use a hand, in which case we’re happy to supplement. If, on the other hand, your sister is trying to help on the side and still has her day job, then it might be time to look for options.

That’s ok; we can plug into your team and help where you need us. We have found that most marketing firms don’t offer the same breadth of marketing services at the expert level. So if you want to hire us only to manage your SEO, only deliver your social media or only create your blog and newsletter, for example, that’s ok. We ask that you connect us with your other marketing partners to make sure that what we deliver is consistent with your overall strategy.

Download our free recipe ebook to get found.

How we make the magic happen!

Road Tested Marketing Strategies

Is Your Personal Brand Driving Leads?

What’s all the buzz you’re hearing about personal branding?  Doesn’t that only work for the Kardashians and other mega-influencers? As an executive, you play a crucial role in driving leads for your company. Your personal brand is not just a buzzword — it’s a powerful tool that can significantly impact your company’s success. LinkedIn Let’s use LinkedIn as an example.  The algorithm is geared toward amplifying personal profiles over business profiles.  If you follow the money, LinkedIn generates revenue primarily from premium subscriptions, job postings, learning, and advertising.  Each of these revenue sources comes from individuals.  It is to LinkedIn’s …

Job Opening: Social Media Manager: Bilingual (English/Spanish)

We are looking for a relationship-focused individual to join our team as a social media manager.  In this role, you will lead social media strategy, provide creative direction to graphic design and video editing, schedule posts, and spend time engaging on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, X, and Reddit, according to the brand strategy.  You will have overall accountability for content quality, engagement growth, and followers across each social media account managed.  We support clients in the following industries:  legal, healthcare, cannabis, wine & spirits, hospitality, and home services.  We’re looking for someone with experience in multiple of our industries. …

What You Need to Know About Email Marketing

Just yesterday, I found myself procrastinating on a task that had been sitting on my to-do list for days. Instead of tackling it, I found an interesting message about why houseplants shouldn’t be kept in direct sunlight. Naturally, I got curious and read the whole thing—even though I don’t have any houseplants. However, I plan on getting some soon, so these little nuggets of wisdom might be useful. Or maybe not. The point is, I was procrastinating and ended up reading an email I would have ignored last year when I did have houseplants. You get the drift. Email is …

Web Designer & Developer: WordPress Divi + Shopify

We are looking for an individual who balances both creative web design skills and strong technical skills to join our team as a web designer & developer.  To be successful, you will have experience with custom WordPress designs using Divi builder (no templates!), customizing Shopify websites, as well as development & go live.  If you are highly responsive, have experience designing and developing WordPress and Shopify web projects, have an upbeat attitude, excellent communication skills in English, time management skills, a bias for action, attention to detail, and a passion for developing beautiful, original websites, then read on!  It’s an …