Don’t let your small business be one of the 50% that fails within 5 years. A marketing plan will show you how to best carve out a niche and promote your business to support growth. Did you know that a Marketing Plan for a small business can be up to forty, fifty, sixty pages long? It includes market research, how you will go to market, your strategy, positioning, elevator pitch and marketing budget. To be clear, it does NOT include a set of financials or operational strategy. For that, you’ll need a business plan, and we can help you there too.
Our approach to
Marketing Plans
What We Do To Write Your Marketing Plan
You’ll start by having a conversation with one of our consultants. We’ll ask you questions about your product or service, your growth objectives, what you have done to date and where you’d like to focus. Everything we do is customized to your business so we’ll set the specific objectives for your plan and gather any input materials from you. This will give us a better understanding of where to focus our research. Then you’ll be back to running your business while we jump into developing your plan.
Marketing Plan
Clearly articulated marketing & sales goals
Market Research
Competitive Analysis
Market positioning recommendations
Review of your website and social media vs. your competition
How to track your results (KPIs)
Marketing Budget
Your elevator pitch and tag line
Our more thorough plans provide options for surveys and interviews, more detailed analysis and creation of your target personas.