Job Opening: Social Media Manager: Bilingual (English/Spanish)

We are looking for a relationship-focused individual to join our team as a social media manager.  In this role, you will lead social media strategy, provide creative direction to graphic design and video editing, schedule posts, and spend time engaging on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, X, and Reddit, according to the brand strategy.  You will have overall accountability for content quality, engagement growth, and followers across each social media account managed.  We support clients in the following industries:  legal, healthcare, cannabis, wine & spirits, hospitality, and home services.  We’re looking for someone with experience in multiple of our industries. …

Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing: Which Is A Better Investment?

For many small business owners, the thought of marketing is both exciting and frightening. On one hand, you’re excited to get your brand out there and start attracting some clients. But on the other, it’s an investment—it costs money to make money. So if you must spend money to promote your business, the question is digital marketing vs traditional marketing, and which do you choose? What’s the Difference? Before you can choose which marketing strategy is right for you and your business, you first need to know the difference between the two types of marketing. Prior to the increasing presence …

How to Write Facebook Ads that Generate Leads without Wasting Money

So, you want to learn how to write Facebook Ads, and not only that but Facebook Ads that convert. Just like everything else that you do on social media for business, writing ads for Facebook is about communicating effectively with your target audience. Before you can even think about getting your audience to click on an advertisement, you need to make sure you are speaking their language first. Sounds easy, right? Maybe not. Luckily, you’ve come to the right place! Take a look at our tried-and-true process for writing Facebook Ads that will get people clicking, and stop wasting money …

How Your Small B2B Business Can Rock Social Media

The questions we typically hear most often from small businesses about social media are: Which social media networks should I consider? What type of content should I post? These are great questions and we have certainly seen a lot of boring Business-To-Business (B2B) content on social media.  It often seems that only Business-To-Consumer (B2C)  businesses know how to sell the sizzle in the steak, so to speak.  What business owners seem to forget when delivering their message to other businesses is that those businesses are run by people.  And people still like to have their attention grabbed, even if it …

Linked In Best Practices For Small Business

There are some social media channels that are an absolute “must” for your small business, in particular Facebook, Google+ (mostly because Google loves it, and also because your clients are probably already reviewing your performance there) and Twitter.  I would add Instagram if you can portray your business visually (and most of us can), and YouTube for your testimonial and other business and experiential videos, even if they aren’t professionally shot in a studio.  But if your business sells to other businesses, or targets the professional crowd, then you simply MUST be on Linked In. You really should be on …

Online Reviews Best Practices

From Vocus You probably need more. When choosing a business to buy from, customers search for reviews by other customers. If you haven’t got any, you’re in danger of being overlooked. Don’t fear the added attention of online reviews. While you can’t control what consumers say about your brand, there are ways to foster positive reviews among your customers. Here are four steps to achieving them: Expand your social horizons.We know who the heavy hitters are when it comes to social networks: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. When it comes to referrals, though, several other networks are worth your attention. Yelp!, …

Social Media Blurred Personal & Professional Lines

Historically in social media people had a distinct personal and professional profile, now blurring into a single profile. Assume that how you are online is how you would behave in a professional setting. Relative anonymity of feedback can make it more bold and blunt For younger generations  (Millennials) are becoming more aware of privacy online and what they do online having an impact on their professional lines.  However, they also recognize that people have a life outside of work so there may be more acceptance of that. Recommendation for small business:  owner personality is so tied to the business that …

Video Marketing Musts

Video Marketing Musts Video Marketing is often underrated and overlooked. But the video content you post is a crucial part of your brand’s strategy. Video is a powerful tool to use to tell your company’s story and to drive calls to action. Did we mention that YouTube is the number-2-ranked search engine? But you can’t just throw up any ole video and expect to have positive results. In order to successfully market via video and YouTube, your videos must be meaningful. How can they be meaningful? Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating your video.   …