what you need to know about email marketing

What You Need to Know About Email Marketing

Just yesterday, I found myself procrastinating on a task that had been sitting on my to-do list for days. Instead of tackling it, I found an interesting message about why houseplants shouldn’t be kept in direct sunlight. Naturally, I got curious and read the whole thing—even though I don’t have any houseplants. However, I plan on getting some soon, so these little nuggets of wisdom might be useful. Or maybe not. The point is, I was procrastinating and ended up reading an email I would have ignored last year when I did have houseplants. You get the drift. Email is …

web3 marketing

Revolutionizing Your Marketing Game with Web3: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Web3 marketing has become increasingly popular in the past couple of years as companies from all industries have begun exploring ways of doing business in this next generation of the internet. It has also given rise to new types of businesses. Some companies are still figuring out how to make the most of it, while others have earned returns that are the envy of Wall Street. In a world where attention is currency, Web3 marketing offers a refreshing change by valuing community and utility over just grabbing eyeballs.   What is Web3 Marketing? First, let me describe what Web3 marketing …

importance of marketing

​​The Importance Of Marketing

The importance of marketing in running a business is like embarking on a long journey, and like any adventure, it requires a set of tools and skills to navigate the terrain. In this case, one of the most important tools in your arsenal is the art of marketing.  It takes a level of dedication, hard work, and patience that most aren’t ready for. Managing your business comes with many challenges, including one of the most critical factors that will help your business grow and flourish: marketing. Often we’d like to take the reins in all areas of our business, but …

how to get traffic from linkedin

​​How To Get Traffic from LinkedIn

  LinkedIn has changed significantly over the last few years, and with those changes come new opportunities for marketers to reach out to their target audience. In this article, find out how to enhance your marketing strategy and how to get traffic from LinkedIn.   Why LinkedIn?   LinkedIn is the go-to platform for finding jobs, connecting with friends and colleagues, and getting ahead in your career. Here are five reasons why LinkedIn is such a powerful tool:   1. LinkedIn is the most used professional network on the web.  Over 800 million people use LinkedIn to connect with colleagues, …

how to make social media videos

How To Make Social Media Videos For Your Business

Curious about how to make social media videos for your business?  Read on!  Social media videos have totally taken off lately, but what does it take to create a good one that will be well received by your audience? Take a look at this article and all the advice on how to avoid common mistakes.   How To Make Social Media Videos   Creating videos for social media is a great way to connect with your audience and let them know what you’re up to. However, your videos can be criticized or ignored by users if you’re not careful. Here …

Providing Design Feedback In InVision

Start by going to the InVision website.  You’ll do this each time you need to access your design or when providing design feedback.  If this is your first time using InVision you’ll need to create a FREE account. https://projects.invisionapp.com You’ll be presented with thumbnails of any projects you have been granted access to. Click on the project thumbnail to open it.  This will then open the screens within that prototype.  If there is only one screen to review you’ll be presented with what will look like the same thumbnail again. Go to each screen in turn and click “View Screen” …

how do Google adwords work

2022 Marketing Trends: Top 10 Eye Openers

Curious about which 2022 marketing trends will win the day?  Read on! We’ll cover: The rise of smart devices Visual search The Great Resignation Online competition The Creator Economy Privacy concerns Video trends Social media community AI and text-to-speech The founder for lead generation We all knew COVID would have a lasting impact on digital marketing, but over the past year, we have begun to realize its significance.  The pandemic accelerated the move to digital for not only searching and transacting but for learning, entertainment, and socializing.  Consumers looked for more things they could DIY, including products and services they …

Law Firm Marketing: How to Win in 2019

Law Firm Marketing in 2019 is going to be all about putting yourself in front of the client—the challenge is how to know where the client is looking for the types of services that you offer. Over the past several years, I’ve helped many law firms with their marketing efforts. What I’ve learned during this time is that law firm marketing should aim to accomplish three things: Grow the firm’s referral network so your case referrals increase Regularly sign new clients for services from the firm through trackable sources Build the firm’s brand awareness to keep it top of mind for …

How to Write Facebook Ads that Generate Leads without Wasting Money

So, you want to learn how to write Facebook Ads, and not only that but Facebook Ads that convert. Just like everything else that you do on social media for business, writing ads for Facebook is about communicating effectively with your target audience. Before you can even think about getting your audience to click on an advertisement, you need to make sure you are speaking their language first. Sounds easy, right? Maybe not. Luckily, you’ve come to the right place! Take a look at our tried-and-true process for writing Facebook Ads that will get people clicking, and stop wasting money …

Does Your Online Marketing Feel Like Throwing Darts?

Remember the carnival game where you had three darts to throw at a wall full of balloons to win the giant stuffed panda?  Most of the darts would hit the wall, or skim by the balloon, and if you did manage to pop a balloon it would typically be for a rather unexciting small plastic whistle and definitely NOT the giant stuffed panda.  The problem with this game is that you don’t know where the panda prize card is pinned, and you may not have the greatest aim.  But you know it’s there somewhere so you just keep on paying …