How to Write Facebook Ads that Generate Leads without Wasting Money

So, you want to learn how to write Facebook Ads, and not only that but Facebook Ads that convert. Just like everything else that you do on social media for business, writing ads for Facebook is about communicating effectively with your target audience. Before you can even think about getting your audience to click on an advertisement, you need to make sure you are speaking their language first. Sounds easy, right? Maybe not. Luckily, you’ve come to the right place! Take a look at our tried-and-true process for writing Facebook Ads that will get people clicking, and stop wasting money …

3 Ways To Throw Your Money Away On Advertising

Before you react and think that this is post about how much I hate advertising, it isn’t.  In fact, I think advertising can be a great source of leads and brand awareness for a business.  But too often I see small businesses spending money on advertising for the wrong reasons.  Here are some examples of poor logic when it comes to advertising spend: “But it’s only $50/month” (insert your low monthly cost here…are you sure that is the best way you can spend your company’s $600?) “My competitors advertise there” (and if all the other kids jumped off a bridge?…ok …