What Is Programmatic Advertising

What Is Programmatic Advertising? How It Works, Plus 5 Benefits

In the rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential for businesses trying to make an impact in the online world. One of the most transformative advancements in the space is programmatic advertising, a cutting-edge approach that revolutionizes how ads are bought and displayed across the web. In this article, we’ll delve into what is programmatic advertising, how it works, and five distinct benefits that make it a game-changer. What is Programmatic Advertising? Programmatic advertising is an automated way to buy and optimize digital ad placements. Unlike traditional ad buying, which involves manual negotiations and purchases, …

Mailchimp Access

Mailchimp Access

Mailchimp Mailchimp may be the tool you’re using to send emails today. If you already have a Mailchimp account, please submit your credentials via our encrypted form. Zenchange requires you to sign up for the Essentials plan ($9.99 monthly) before submitting your credentials to us if we are to manage your Mailchimp. If you do not have a Mailchimp account, there are two ways to get started. 1. Head over to Mailchimp and create an account using your personal/business email, aka. john@companyname.com. This email will be to access and manage the account only and is not made visible when emails from Mailchimp are sent. When …

Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing: Which Is A Better Investment?

For many small business owners, the thought of marketing is both exciting and frightening. On one hand, you’re excited to get your brand out there and start attracting some clients. But on the other, it’s an investment—it costs money to make money. So if you must spend money to promote your business, the question is digital marketing vs traditional marketing, and which do you choose? What’s the Difference? Before you can choose which marketing strategy is right for you and your business, you first need to know the difference between the two types of marketing. Prior to the increasing presence …

3 Ways To Throw Your Money Away On Advertising

Before you react and think that this is post about how much I hate advertising, it isn’t.  In fact, I think advertising can be a great source of leads and brand awareness for a business.  But too often I see small businesses spending money on advertising for the wrong reasons.  Here are some examples of poor logic when it comes to advertising spend: “But it’s only $50/month” (insert your low monthly cost here…are you sure that is the best way you can spend your company’s $600?) “My competitors advertise there” (and if all the other kids jumped off a bridge?…ok …