4 Ways to Repurpose Your Blog Content to Gain Maximum Exposure

You’ve done it. You’ve written blog content and now you’re ready to share it with the world. Traffic will come to your site, people will comment, thanking you for sharing such valuable information, and you’ll try your absolute hardest to respond to everyone. You click “Publish” to send this blog post out into the big, unknown world of the Internet and then move on to your next task-at-hand. After a few hours, you check in – no comments, no shares, nothing. It’s too early, you tell yourself. So you give it a few days and check back in again, but …

How Long Should My Blog Be? Why Word Count Matters…Sometimes

I’m mingling with other small business owners and entrepreneurs at a local event, enjoying some fascinating conversation and putting the ZenChange name out there, when one of the men I’m talking with asks me, “So, Diane. I’m sure you get this a lot, but how long should my blog be?” He’s right. I do get that a lot—probably because it’s not an easy question to answer. I explain to him the importance of balancing interesting, engaging content with SEO best practices and a solid social media strategy, but I get the feeling as I do so that it’s too difficult …

Attention Miami FL CPA Firms! Why Accountants Need to Take SEO Seriously

Attention Miami FL CPA Firms! Why Accountants Need to Take SEO Seriously SEO? What’s That? First thing’s first—what is SEO? Short for search engine optimization, SEO is a process that makes your site more attractive to search engines like Google. But how does the process work? The inner technical aspects of search engines are actually pretty interesting. They’re definitely complex. And they’re also undeniably critical to understand if you want to improve your accounting practice’s online presence. To put it simply, search engine robots (often called spiders or crawlers) are constantly traversing the internet, collecting and indexing information from every …

select a compelling blog topic

How to select a compelling blog topic

Blogging is a lot about trial and error. You might start with one idea, think of another, and write two or three blog posts on the topic before realizing it’s not doing well. One way to avoid this is to choose the topics you write about ahead of time – if you know in advance what your next article will be about, it’s much easier to plan out what you need to research and get started!   You need to consider whether it is of general interest and your subject matter expertise and passion for the topic. For example, if …

How Often Should A Small Business Blog?

The simple answer is, it depends upon how much impact you want.  Let’s start by reviewing some of the reasons a small business owner would want to blog: To demonstrate expertise in their line of work To get the word out about something new To share a frequently asked question with a broader audience, allowing the opportunity to share a link and shorten a future operational task To improve their search engine ranking (each blog brings new traffic when linked from social media and Google loves fresh content) To connect with new people To have something original to share in …