How to Get More Customer Reviews in 2021

Before buying, your prospects want to feel secure and confident in their decisions. Your copy will help build rapport with readers, but they still want to know what real people think about your product or service. You can gain trust not only by showcasing testimonials on your website but also through customer reviews, especially through Google My Business or social media sites. Most customers read about 10 reviews before they feel able to trust a business. And according to a consumer survey done in 2020 by BrightLocal, 94% of customers reported that positive reviews made them more likely to use …

TikTok for Small Business: Why You Should Join Gen Z on New Social Media

TikTok for Small Business: Why You Should Join Gen Z on New Social Media

What to learn more about TikTok for small business? This article explains why you should be taking advantage of the newest social media. Social media is constantly evolving, and since it is technically free to use, your small business could greatly benefit from engaging users on the latest popular platform—TikTok. To the uninitiated, TikTok might seem like a pointless virtual space where kids and young adults share silly short-form video clips. It is so much more than that, though, and the value that it can to your business’s marketing efforts is often underestimated. If you are curious about trying one …

Magical Lessons To Grow Your Business From Harry Potter

OK, I’ll admit it. I took the online test, and I’m a Gryffindor. At Hogwarts, Gryffindors value courage, bravery, competitiveness, and nerve, which, when you think about it, are pretty much what it takes to be an entrepreneur these days. And since Halloween just passed, it seems like the right time of year to reflect on the magic it takes to grow a startup or small business, inspired by none other than Harry Potter.  Here are some magical lessons to grow your business. Have a great team around you. Harry’s two best friends, Hermione and Ron, couldn’t have been more …