Toss Your 2020 Digital Marketing Strategy: 6 Ways to Grow in 2021

Toss Your 2020 Digital Marketing Strategy: 6 Ways to Grow in 2021

ZenChange Marketing recently held a webinar to discuss digital marketing strategy trends in 2021. This article is based on our discussion. The shift from 2020 to 2021 is going to be huge in digital marketing. The speed of 5G networks, which are expected to be more broadly available over the next year, will make people even more connected to the web than they are now (as hard as that might be to picture). People will rely on personalized content, such as social media, blogs, and podcasts, and less on mass media like TV and radio. Since video content is going …

4 Ways for Your Small Business to Flourish in 2021

COVID-19 has already shifted the digital marketing landscape, but as the calendar advances to 2021, every business needs to continue to adapt. More than ever, customers are looking for a strong digital presence, optimized mobile sites, and empathy from brands. If you are a small business looking to shift from growth to profit, here are four areas of marketing to focus on. Marketing Strategy Your business needs to offer virtual and mobile services. Remember that your reviews matter now more than ever, social media is still important for brand awareness, and mobile communication is chief. You can implement these elements …

The Business and Digital Marketing Lessons We Learned in 2020

The Business and Digital Marketing Lessons We Learned in 2020

Every year teaches us a few new digital marketing lessons to help us grow our businesses, and this year did not disappoint. Here’s what we learned in 2020. For future historians, the year 2020 is going to be a treasure trove. Hey, it’s not every year you get to witness political division wrapped inside a historic presidential election wrapped inside a global pandemic—a veritable Frankenstein’s turducken of an era. For the rest of us still trapped inside this absurdist painting come to life, this year can’t end soon enough (please make it stop). In the meantime: we’re here sitting in …