Women’s History Month Spotlight: 3 Women Who Are Game-Changers in Their Industry

During Women’s History Month, we want to remember the strong women throughout history and the women in our everyday lives who add immeasurable value to our world. To them, we say thank you — not only for the incredible achievements of national and global importance, but for the unseen work they do behind the scenes. It is no secret that women-led startups have been hit especially hard by COVID-19. In fact, venture capital fundraising for women-led brands was down by about one-third in 2020. The bright news is that we expect these startups to bounce back, especially once the pandemic …

Need a Website Doctor? Good Website Design Treats These Symptoms

Need a Website Doctor? Good Website Design Treats These Symptoms

Website design should take more than form into consideration—it should also address function! This article discusses a few of the issues that may be keeping your site from performing. You’ve been here before. Today is the day of the big client meeting and you just got off the phone with a crucial member of your team—feeling sick, can’t work. I think as business owners we have all experienced something similar. What to do? Do you reschedule the meeting at the last minute? Try to get through it without your ailing team member? It looks to be unsteady ground along each …