Every year teaches us a few new digital marketing lessons to help us grow our businesses, and this year did not disappoint. Here’s what we learned in 2020. For future historians, the year 2020 is going to be a treasure trove. Hey, it’s not every year you get to witness political division wrapped inside a historic presidential election wrapped inside a global pandemic—a veritable Frankenstein’s turducken of an era. For the rest of us still trapped inside this absurdist painting come to life, this year can’t end soon enough (please make it stop). In the meantime: we’re here sitting in …
Tired of Yelling into the Void? How to Hit a Bullseye with Your Target Audience
Whether you are in the initial stages of your business or have 20 years of experience with your brand, knowing your target audience is a must. This knowledge allows you to make guided revisions to your products or services and tailor all aspects of your marketing. Knowing who is not your audience is just as important. You need to know what does and does not appeal to your ideal clients. If you are starting a business, this research can help you pivot before investing too much into a product your consumers do not need. Likewise, it can help you revise …
A Look at Your Small Business After COVID-19
Wondering what your small business after COVID-19 will look like? We’ve conducted some industry research in hopes of an optimistic rebound for SMBs.
Digital Marketing Tactics to Help Your Business Survive COVID-19
COVID-19 is impacting the nation’s businesses—so much so that an estimated 37 million jobs will be lost. Digital marketing tactics could save your business.
22 Badass Women in Business You Need to Know in 2020
Want to celebrate the women in business in your community this year? Join us in commemoration of International Women’s Day on March 8. Every year in March for well over a century, women and men around the world have celebrated International Women’s Day. The story begins in New York City in 1908 when 15,000 women marched and demonstrated for shorter hours, better pay, and the right to vote. (The 19th Amendment, which grants women the right to vote, wouldn’t be passed by Congress until 1919 and ratified by the states until 1920.) Now International Women’s Day is a full-blown movement …
3 Reasons Your Customer Retention Strategy Sucks (and How to Fix It)
“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” – Proverb What the old adage above demonstrates is that we’ve known for a long time that it is better to hold on to what you have than to test uncertainty to gain more. However, you wouldn’t know it from many businesses’ customer retention strategies. Why is it so important to keep the customers you have, you ask? It all comes down to numbers. Via Hubspot, we learn that the Harvard Business Review has found that acquiring a new customer can cost anywhere from five to 25 times what …
Instantly Improve Your Business Copywriting with These 3 Simple Steps
Struggling to find the right words to entice your target audience? Business copywriting can be a major benefit to your company, but only if done properly. Here are some tips to ensuring your copy resonates with your potential clients.
9 Simple Tips on How to Write Headlines that Get People to Click
If you don’t know how to write headlines that make people want to read the rest of your article, what’s the point? You’ve written a killer article that you know people are going to want to read. It’s helpful, informative, and speaks directly to a common problem that your audience is having. After you post it on your website, you sit and wait…and wait…and wait. If you don’t know how to write headlines that make people want to click, this is probably you. According to Copyblogger, it’s not unusual, either—only 2 out of 10 people will actually click and read. …
Marketing Tips: Are You Using These 6 Marketing Psychology Principles?
When you’re searching for ways to increase your business’s reach and conversion rate, a few deftly applied marketing tips can go a long way. Perhaps the most important thing to remember when trying to sell your product or service is that no matter how well you position yourself online or in traditional media, you are still trying to sell to human beings. Which means you have to get inside real people’s heads and learn how they think. Seems like a pretty daunting task, no? Actually, it’s easier than you think! Despite the idea that we are all unique individuals with …
2020 Vision: 5 Key Marketing Trends To Dominate This Year
We’re even more excited about 2020 than we have been about past New Years, partly because it’s a new decade, but mostly because in the world of digital marketing we’re keenly aware of how change accelerates. So if today we look back on the digital marketing innovations of the past decade and marvel at how antiquated they seem, we can only imagine how we’ll feel about these new developments 10 years from now! But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane. Digital Marketing Trends From 2010-2019: Over the past decade, here are some of …