Facebook Ad Not Delivering? It’s Probably One of These Simple Mistakes
This post offers a step-by-step guide to launching a startup, from idea generation to securing funding and scaling the business.
Facebook Ad Not Delivering?
It’s time to face facts and adapt—organic reach for business on Facebook is much lower than it used to be. What that means for businesses is that it’s time to set aside some money for Facebook ads in the old marketing budget. That’s a big ask for small businesses that don’t have a lot of extra cash lying around, especially because there is the risk of a Facebook ad not delivering what it promises.
But it’s a do-or-die situation if you want to reach people on the social network. Consider the facts: each time you log in, 1,500 stories have to vie for a spot on your news feed.
Only 300 get the privilege.
Paying for ads will get you in front of more people. It’s up to you to make sure that the ads convert, and avoiding these three mistakes will help you do just that.
Exceptional Copy Gets Exceptional Results
I’m going to be blunt here: if your advertising and web copy are crap, you’re not going to convert people. It’s as simple as that. Facebook advertising is not a magic pill—you can’t run one or two ads and expect your sales to skyrocket. Paying for a Facebook ad only guarantees you one thing, and that’s exposure. You really have to know what you’re doing if you want to make sales with only your words, images, and in some cases video. That’s why it’s so important for all business owners to study copywriting.
Even the best products and services don’t sell themselves. You have to convince people to make the purchase.
Don’t Forget to Test
When you decide that you need to revamp your internet marketing strategy, it’s smart to test your ideas. In fact, testing your ideas—a new offer, for instance, or perhaps the copy in your Facebook ad itself—is essential if you don’t want to sink a large chunk of your budget into a campaign that ultimately fails. With testing, you can see if your idea is viable by in as little as a week by measuring the data you gather during that time.
Make an Offer They Can’t Refuse
No matter how you decide to test your idea (you could write a blog post with a special promotion and link to it on social media, run a short-term ad on Facebook, or even put up flyers), you need to make sure that it is capable of converting customers. If you don’t make any sales or get any new leads, it’s time to go back to square one.
If your problem is a Facebook ad not delivering results (i.e. giving you leads and sales), you might need to reconsider whether what you’re offering has value for your ideal customer. What I’m getting at here might make a few people mad, but I’m saying it anyway because it’s the truth. If no one wants or needs your product or service—as demonstrated on your current ability to convert prospects into leads or customers—then throwing money at a Facebook ad campaign isn’t going to solve anything. All you’re going to get is an uptick in the visitors that come to your website.
Is your Facebook ad not delivering results?
If you’ve run Facebook ads in the past and didn’t get the results you hoped for, don’t give up! Brush up on your copywriting skills, test your ideas, and most importantly, give the people what they want.
Don’t have time to handle your own marketing? Talk to the experts at ZenChange today.
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