starting your own business? pull the trigger

Why It’s Time to Pull the Trigger? Starting Your Own Business Might Absolutely Be the Right Move for You

Starting your own business requires lots of planning. This article explains some of the steps you need to take before pulling the trigger. “Pulling The Trigger”.  It’s an expression we use to describe taking an action.  But what if we pull the trigger too early? Recently, I watched a non-profit pull the trigger on assembling a group of volunteers prior to establishing a clear direction and mandate.  As their leader struggled with the direction, the once eager volunteers fell away. I witnessed a tech startup pull the trigger on investing in a rollout team before it had a viable product.  …

How to Create Your Holiday Marketing Plan in 4 Steps

With the holidays right around the corner, creating a holiday marketing plan is essential to keeping your clients engaged during one of the busiest times of the year. These special occasions are naturally a time of closeness and happiness. You want to emphasize those feelings in your marketing messages and add to your customers’ sense of well-being during this time. Create a plan that not only inspires good feelings but also helps you stand out in the crowded holiday market. #1: Understand Your Target Audience The first order of business is always understanding your target audience. That means knowing what …

Marketing Strategy 101: Why Your Small Business Needs a Marketing Plan

Your business needs clients to survive. A basic marketing strategy can give you a few leads, but without a comprehensive marketing plan, there are many pitfalls lying in wait for your business. Think of a marketing plan as a guide for goal setting that works with your overall business plan. Just like goals that you might set for personal growth, the goals that you set for your business’s marketing efforts are more likely to come to fruition if you write them down. Furthermore, you can (and should) tweak these goals as you gain more information on your journey as a …

Does Your Online Marketing Feel Like Throwing Darts?

Remember the carnival game where you had three darts to throw at a wall full of balloons to win the giant stuffed panda?  Most of the darts would hit the wall, or skim by the balloon, and if you did manage to pop a balloon it would typically be for a rather unexciting small plastic whistle and definitely NOT the giant stuffed panda.  The problem with this game is that you don’t know where the panda prize card is pinned, and you may not have the greatest aim.  But you know it’s there somewhere so you just keep on paying …