How To Add A Manager To Your Google My Business Account

This post offers a step-by-step guide to launching a startup, from idea generation to securing funding and scaling the business.



Jun 21, 2022

How it works

There are 3 types of Google My Business users: owners, managers, and site managers.
  • Owners: Each listing can have multiple owners, but only one primary owner. Owners and primary owners have the same capabilities, but a primary owner cannot remove themselves from a listing until they transfer their primary ownership to another user. However, all owners can add other users to share management of a listing without having to share their password.

  • Managers: Managers have most of the capabilities of an owner, but don’t have the more sensitive capabilities (e.g. power to remove the listing or managing users).

  • Site managers: Site managers have most of the capabilities of a manager, but don't have access to edit all business information.

How to add users to a listing

To add an owner, manager, or site manager to a listing, follow these steps:
  1. Sign in to Google My Business.

  2. Make sure you’re using card view. If you’re viewing your locations as a list instead of cards, switch to card view by clicking the cards icon 

     on the right side above your locations.

  3. Choose the listing you’d like to manage and click Manage location.

  4. Click the three dash menu icon 

     in the upper left-hand side of your screen, then click Manage users 


  5. In the top right corner of the “Managers of [your business]” box that appears, click the “Invite new managers” icon 


  6. Select the user’s role by clicking OwnerManager, or Communications manager below their name.

  7. Click Invite. Invitees will have the option to accept the invitation and immediately become listing owners or managers.

This window displays all active owners and managers, as well as people who have been invited to become owners or managers. You can cancel pending invitations by clicking the X in the row with the invitation you want to remove.

How to remove owners and managers

It's a good idea to remove your previous marketing company or anyone else you would rather not continue to manage your account.  To remove someone, even yourself, from a listing:

  1. Sign in to Google My Business.

  2. If you have multiple locations, open the location you'd like to manage.

  3. On the left, click Users.

  4. Next to the person you'd like to remove, click Remove 


If you can't click Remove , it could mean that:
  • You're trying to remove the primary owner from the listing. Transfer primary ownership to someone else, then remove the user from the listing.

  • You're signed in as a manager. Only owners can remove other owners and managers.

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ZenChange helps small business clients with their marketing strategy, websites, social media, SEO, video, graphic design, paid ads, and more!

ZenChange helps small business clients with their marketing strategy, websites, social media, SEO, video, graphic design, paid ads, and more!

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