Call Tracking for Small Business: Why You Need This Awesome Tool!
This post offers a step-by-step guide to launching a startup, from idea generation to securing funding and scaling the business.
Have you heard of call tracking for small business?
Today’s small business owner has many more options for finding and converting leads than the small business owners of the past. While the entrepreneur of yesterday had to rely on paid print advertising, cold calling, and word of mouth to find leads and convert them into paying customers, today we have social media, online review sites, company websites and so much more!
But there’s a catch—how do you know which platform is the best lead source for your business? After all, you’ll want to earmark more of your marketing budget for the ones that bring in the most revenue.
This was a frustrating problem for Serena, whose life coaching business was getting significant attention online, but not quite enough for it to really thrive. Her online marketing campaign included original content on social media, on-page search engine optimization (SEO) for her website and blog, and local SEO on Google, YellowPages, and local listings. When she began her marketing campaign, she saw an increase in the number of calls and form submissions that she received from potential customers.
But she didn’t know where these leads were coming from. Had these potential customers seen something they liked on her Facebook page? Did her online reviews convince them to call? Was it because her website was starting to rank better because of the money she had invested in on-page SEO? She had no way to tell.
It all changed for her when she discovered call tracking for small business and form tracking with ZenChange. Here are some of the features of our call tracking software.
Call Tracking for Small Business
The first problem that call tracking solved for Serena was that it allowed her to see where her leads were being generated. To start, we created ten unique phone numbers and inserted them into her different marketing channels—one for Google Adwords, one for Facebook, one for her blog, etc. Whenever a prospective client called one of these numbers—let’s say the number we associated with her Google Adwords campaign—she was able to see exactly where the call came from.
As this call data began to accumulate, with our help, Serena was able to see which lead sources were doing the most for her business. She distributed her marketing budget accordingly, investing more in the platforms that brought in the most business.
Local Area Code Swap
Because Serena offers online coaching sessions in addition to face-to-face sessions, she has clients in various parts of the country. As any entrepreneur who has the potential to make sales at the national level knows, it can be difficult to convert leads if you don’t have the same area code as your prospects.
With the local area code swap feature of our software, you can maintain a local presence anywhere that you choose! Not only does this feature allow you to match the local area code on your website with the area code of your prospective customers—it also changes the phone number that appears on their caller ID! I don’t know about you, but I usually don’t answer calls with area codes that I don’t recognize.
Spam Call Blocking
Unfortunately, some of the calls that Serena’s business receives from her call tracking numbers are spam. When that happens, these calls can muddy the waters, so to speak, and make it difficult to see which calls are legitimate leads. Luckily, we’ve solved that problem, too! The software that we use also employs spam call blocking.
Thanks to this feature, Serena gets nothing but clean data in her call tracking for small business reports so she doesn’t waste any of her budget on misleading calls from robodialers or unsolicited offers from telemarketers.
Call Recording for Training and QA
As Serena’s business has grown, she has had to add new members to her marketing team. With our software’s call recording feature, she’s been able to get a better view of her team’s performance. In addition to making training easier, being able to listen to the calls that her marketing team makes and receives also allows her to maintain the level of quality that her business is known for.
Are you ready to try call tracking for small business?
When used in conjunction with SEO, local SEO, PPC advertising, and social media marketing, call tracking can be an invaluable tool for any business that wants to take things to the next level. Get in touch with us today or fill out the form to schedule a live digital audit to see if it’s the right move for you!
Call Tracking
call tracking for small business
Call Tracking For Small Business
Marketing AI, Best Practices, and Getting Found
No spam, just good quality stuff.