Twas The Night Before ZenChange
This post offers a step-by-step guide to launching a startup, from idea generation to securing funding and scaling the business.
Dec 5, 2017
’Twas the night before Christmas and all through the business,
Not a prospect was stirring, no clicks of the mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In the hopes that ZenChange soon would be there.
The owners were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of dollar signs danced in their heads;
The sales team having no leads took a nap;
While the manager wondered how to close the gap.
When out on the web there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my desk to see what was the matter;
Away to my phone I flew like a flash;
Tore open my wallet and pulled out some cash.
With the promise of change I felt all aglow,
And to achieve it so Zen-like was well worth the dough;
When what to my wondering eyes did appear;
But a team of fine marketing experts to get us in gear.
With a fearless blonde leader so lively and quick.
’Twas the ZenChange team here to bring us more clicks;
More rapid than eagles the consultants they came;
And they called out each of their strategies by name.
Now marketing plan, now branding, now writing some good words!
On website, on SEO, on social, on Adwords!
To the top of Google, to the top of them all!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!
ZenChange checked to see how our dear business could fly,
When met with an obstacle they continued to try;
Til up, up on Google, our website it flew;
Our sales team got busy, our manager too.
And then in a twinkling, as our sales hit the roof,
We saw what we’d hoped for, we had all our proof;
As I checked online banking things were turning around;
Up our balances climbed in great leaps and bounds.
ZenChange checked out our business from its head to its foot,
They brought their best practices, they sought our input;
A bundle of tools they had at their back;
They had all the marketing skill that we lack.
The strategists — how they sparkled! the writers how merry!
Web developers so clever, their talents so varied.
Project management wrapped up the team in a bow,
Seems like getting stuff done is something they know.
The tools for our growth they held tight in their hands,
And all customized for us, why nothing was "canned";
They had broad experience and attention to detail;
They knew many industries from attorneys to retail.
They were fun and exciting, a right jolly old team,
They really knew much science it seems!
In a wink of an eye and a click of a mouse;
They cranked up our website, they really cleaned house!
They built our campaigns, they went straight to their work,
And filled all our sales funnels; not one was a jerk,
And laying our strategies out with acclaim,
I knew then and there we'd be never the same;
They sprang into action, to the team gave a whistle,
To our pipeline leads flew, like the down of a thistle,
But I heard them exclaim, as we grew to new heights,
(Is your marketing team this creative? Do they also know the science of driving leads to your pipeline? Give us a call at 305-702-0112!)
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