How to select a compelling blog topic
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Blogging is a lot about trial and error. You might start with one idea, think of another, and write two or three blog posts on the topic before realizing it's not doing well. One way to avoid this is to choose the topics you write about ahead of time - if you know in advance what your next article will be about, it's much easier to plan out what you need to research and get started!
You need to consider whether it is of general interest and your subject matter expertise and passion for the topic. For example, if you blog about a trend and can provide a new perspective, you will likely get more attention than blogging about the obscure.
It all goes back to your buyer personas. What interests your target audience? What will catch their attention? Is it something they can relate to? Will they only be interested for a moment, or is this a topic that can withstand the test of time? Of course, not all blog topics must be timeless, but having a few in your content arsenal allows for great reuse opportunities and long-term SEO.
Finding a blog topic that will interest people in your blog is not always easy. And, usually, the topic you select can greatly impact how much traffic your blog gets and how your audience perceives it. What is your unique point of view if you have identified a topic of interest, such as a common problem that your personas grapple with? What are you saying that is different from the next guy and will stand out?
What is a Blog Topic?
A blog topic is the main subject of your blog. It is the thing you want to write about. It is what will keep your readers coming back for more.
You need to think about a few things when choosing a blog topic. First, it should be something that interests you. It won't be interesting to read if you don't care about the topic. Second, it should be something that you can write about in a short amount of time. Topics that take a long time to research or write about aren't usually good blog topics. Third, it should be something that will interest other people as well. If no one else is interested in the topic, it won't be worth writing about.
How to Approaching Selecting a Blog Topic
To find a blog topic that will capture your audience's interest, you first need to think about what you want to say. This can be difficult to do, but it's crucial if you want to create a relevant and useful blog.
To help you with this process, it's helpful to have a few tips in mind. One way to approach this is to consider what questions you would like answered. For example, if you're interested in personal finance, you might ask yourself questions like "How can I save money?" or "What are some common financial mistakes?" Once you have a list of these questions, it'll be easier to find topics that address them.
Another tip is to think about what interests you. For example, are you interested in health and fitness? Maybe you'd like to write about how to improve your diet or workout routine. Or are you into fashion? Try writing about fashion trends or how to style your hair. The more specific your topic is, the easier it will be to find relevant and interesting topics for your audience.
Finally, consider what your readers might want to know. Do they want advice? Information? Fun stories? If so, make sure that you're providing it. The best articles focus on a specific goal or lesson rather than just listing everything you know about that topic. For example, let's say you're interested in the topic of cooking dinner. You've probably heard recipes before, so decide what kind of article you'd like to write; maybe it's recipe tips or how to make a particular dish fun and different. Now that you know the topics that would benefit your audience find articles related to them in your niche. Keep an eye out for new content and dig deeper into your search results to find quality sources for each one of these topics.
Key Components of a Good Blog Topic
There are several key components to selecting a good blog topic. To begin with, you need to clearly understand what you want to write about. Next, you need to research the topic to see if it is something that interests you. Once you have a good idea of what you are interested in, you can begin to look for similar topics.
Once you have a topic that interests you, the next step is to research the different angles that can be covered. This will help to ensure that your blog topic is well-rounded and provides adequate coverage. You should also consider writing about controversial topics if they interest you. Doing so will help to attract readers who may not ordinarily visit your website.
Finally, select a catchy headline and create an effective blog layout. These two factors are essential in attracting readers and driving traffic to your website. If done correctly, selecting a good blog topic will be easy and enjoyable.
In general, when choosing a blog topic, it should pass the following criteria:
Interesting – entertaining and will reflect positively on people who share (e.g. the 3 things you probably don't know about how to live longer and be happier)
Useful – helpful info that will make the person sharing look good (e.g. 5 tips on how to do X better)
Emotional – while not always appropriate in business, this can be compelling if you can find a way to get people excited or tell a heartwarming story of someone you have helped.
Peaks the reader's curiosity – your title should make them curious enough to read more. Ask questions at the start of the blog that makes them wonder.
Awe-inspiring (the "wow how cool is that", or "I would never have thought of that" factor) – topics about innovation & discovery that inspire wonder and amazement (e.g. scientific or technical discoveries, visually stunning images, people overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles). Think of the video of a frumpy, nervous housewife when she went on Britain's Got Talent. The judges were making fun of her until she opened her mouth. The story of Susan Boyle is now legendary. That powerful emotion we all felt created one of the most highly shared videos of all time.
The latter factor has actually been shown by research to be the most impactful in getting attention, 30% more in fact. Tougher to create, of course, but if what you share takes a new angle to an old problem, you'll be well on your way.
What does it mean to select a compelling topic?
To be a successful blogger, you first need to understand what it means to select a compelling topic. Compelling topics are those that will draw people in, keep them interested, and inspire them to take action.
There are a few things you can do to help ensure your blog topic is compelling. First, research your topic carefully and make sure you have an understanding of the key issues and challenges involved. Second, find out what other bloggers are writing about and how they've been able to attract readers. Finally, be creative and think outside the box when it comes to selecting content for your blog. You never know – your unique perspective might be the perfect solution to a problem someone else is facing. What does it mean to select a compelling topic?
How do you choose a blog topic?
Choosing a blog topic is one of the most important aspects of starting a blog because it can make or break your blog's success. There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing a blog topic, including your audience and the industry you're interested in covering. Here are a few tips to help you choose a compelling blog topic:
1. Think about Your Audience
When choosing a blog topic, it's essential to think about who your target audience is. Do you want to write for people who are already familiar with the subject matter, or do you want to reach out to new readers? If you want to cover an established industry, it might be helpful to research which topics are popular among professional bloggers in that field.
2. Consider What You're Interested In
Another critical factor to consider when choosing a blog topic is what you're interested in. For example, are you passionate about cooking? Writing? Politics? If so, it might be helpful to focus your blog on those topics. This will help ensure that your readers will find your content interesting and engaging.
3. Research Best Practices and Trends
While it's important to think about your blog's audience and your interests, it's also important to research the top bloggers in your field. Doing so will help you understand which blog posts are most popular among readers and which types of content are more likely to gain traction with these readers. In addition, by doing so, you can ensure that your content is in line with these best practices.
4. Think About Your Blog's Structure
While there isn't a one-size-fits-all formula for creating a successful blog post, having a clear structure can go a long way toward ensuring readers will enjoy what you write. For example, having multiple points that support each other can help give your reader's takeaway message coherence and focus.
5. Keep It Short
A long blog post isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's important to understand when to use short and/or long formats for your blog posts as well. Long content tends to be more informational, while shorter content tends to be more entertaining.
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