How does Tawk to work? If we have installed the free chat tool on your website, here’s a breakdown of its functionality:
- We’ll setup the branding look and feel of the chat button (within the limitations of the tool) and install it on your website.
You’ll need to download the app on your phone. You can also be logged in from your desktop. Multiple people may login to your account.
When you’re online, the “we’re here” button or chat bubble will automatically appear. When you’re offline the “leave a message” or email bubble will automatically appear. If you prefer, we can disable the bubble completely when you’re offline.
- We can specify the hours you want to be online.
- After hours, even if you’re logged in, chat will go offline
- During chat hours, if you’re not logged in, chat will go offline
You need to be logged in AND within chat hours for the chat bubble to appear
- We can customize the text that appears after you click on the chat bubble.