Should I Use A Business Or Personal Facebook Page for my business?
This post offers a step-by-step guide to launching a startup, from idea generation to securing funding and scaling the business.
May 24, 2016
If your account is setup like most, you have a Facebook business page that is part of your Facebook personal account. When followers like your Facebook page, they do not see the connection to your personal account and vice versa. If you are using your personal page as a business page, you do run the risk of Facebook suppressing it at some point and undoing all of that good work you have done to promote it.
Having a Facebook page provides your business the following benefits:
Access to tabs to provide more information about your business The ability to run contests and promotions Posting and promoting events No limit to followers (vs. a 5000 follower limit on your personal page) The ability to create Facebook ads Privacy settings to keep your business separate from personal info Multiple page admins No birthday reminders (do you really want your followers to receive a notice that today is your business' birthday?) Access to Facebook Insights for analytics Let's face it, the Facebook algorithm won't show all of your posts to all of your followers and some people believe that their personal page updates are more likely to show up in those feeds, but of course without Facebook Insights on a personal page you can't really tell. However, if for no other reason than the risk of being shut down, we recommend using a business page.
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