Attorney Marketing: 5 Ways to Humanize Your Social Media and Reach Your Potential Clients
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May 28, 2021
Social media is increasingly becoming an important marketing tactic for legal professionals. Most people use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or another social media platform in some capacity, which could create a great opportunity for you to push out attorney marketing content that resonates with them. If you are an attorney, here are some tips to ensure that your content is authoritative but welcoming.
#1: Consider your personas
A persona represents your ideal client and encompasses their demographics, interests, personality, challenges, and necessary solutions. It should not be fictional but based on real data or real experiences with your target audience. If you are an attorney marketing to the average person, chances are that your persona is not an expert in your industry. In most cases, they will not understand the technical legal terminology you use unless you break it down for them. While you can certainly use your social media platforms as a space to educate your audience, keep social media conventions in mind—which brings us to our next point.
#2: Keep the attention of your audience
On social media, attention spans are fleeting. These platforms are largely visual mediums, which means that most users will be looking for photos and videos. If they find paragraphs of text in your caption, many may simply scroll past. Short sentences and paragraphs are usually the sweet spot as they are easy to read. If you have a lot to say on a subject, like estate planning, consider breaking your text into short, easy-to-read bites. You might even consider breaking that text up into several different posts to make it easier for your audience to digest. Keep in mind that visuals are not enough to increase conversions to your website. You need to incorporate a clear message and even a Call to Action in your captions.
#3: Balance expertise with the human touch
You want to showcase your knowledge in your field to build credibility with your audience. This is especially important for lawyers—you want clients to feel like they can trust you because you know what you are talking about. As we mentioned above, when you use tons of legal jargon, you risk having your audience’s eyes gloss over as they scroll past your post. Make sure your prospect can actually understand what you are placing in front of them. Remember: your client is hiring you to take care of the complicated legal process for them so they don’t have to! They want to know:
You understand their needs.
You have experience and knowledge in your field.
#4: Add videos to your feed
Videos largely serve to put a face (or faces) to your law firm, whether you are a solo or founding attorney, or part of a large corporate firm. They are the next best medium after a face-to-face interaction. They allow you to infuse some of your personality into the content and to discuss any of your own interesting legal stories, facilitating a more personal connection between you and your audience. Most importantly, clients will get a feel for who you are as an attorney and potentially trust you more.
#5: Choose the right social media platform
Take into account the demographics of your clients and how you tend to acquire cases. Are you marketing to the everyday person? Facebook is a good platform to stay engaged with legal issues relevant to your target client—consider joining consumer-focused Facebook groups to offer up advice or suggestions. Certain legal cases, such as DUI, may involve younger demographics, which makes Instagram a valuable place to reach those prospects. If you are a practicing attorney that receives referrals from other firms, LinkedIn could be your best bet.
Attorney Marketing Made Easy
Ultimately, as with any other strategy, be sure to listen to the people you want to market to and keep up with what is important to them. Getting to know your audience better will serve as your guide to better content! Looking to market your firm without the stress? Talk to us today.
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