5 Ways to Boost Your Small Business Online Performance

It’s always been hard for small businesses to compete with bigger operations, and that’s true for small businesses with long histories and those that have just started out. Even with the democratizing force of the internet, small businesses can still have trouble getting their message to the right people. In fact, the constantly changing rules of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can make good small business online performance very tricky. It can be difficult without the right tools and strategies, but it’s definitely not impossible to get your business noticed online. With the right strategies, you can rank better in online …

Attention Miami FL CPA Firms! Why Accountants Need to Take SEO Seriously

Attention Miami FL CPA Firms! Why Accountants Need to Take SEO Seriously SEO? What’s That? First thing’s first—what is SEO? Short for search engine optimization, SEO is a process that makes your site more attractive to search engines like Google. But how does the process work? The inner technical aspects of search engines are actually pretty interesting. They’re definitely complex. And they’re also undeniably critical to understand if you want to improve your accounting practice’s online presence. To put it simply, search engine robots (often called spiders or crawlers) are constantly traversing the internet, collecting and indexing information from every …

Net neutrality: What Is It And How It Will Affect Small Business Websites

Everyone knows about net neutrality. Wait, what? We do? Of course not. Up until yesterday, barely anyone had heard of it. The media had no coverage of this vote leading up to it. But with the FCC’s decision less than 24 hours ago to dismantle its regulations on net neutrality, reality has just kicked in. What exactly is net neutrality and why is it so important? Net Neutrality is the ability to communicate openly and freely on the Internet. There are no rules or regulations that hinder a consumer’s usage. We log on, type in a web page, and boom; …

‘Twas The Night Before ZenChange

’Twas the night before Christmas and all through the business, Not a prospect was stirring, no clicks of the mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In the hopes that ZenChange soon would be there. The owners were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of dollar signs danced in their heads; The sales team having no leads took a nap; While the manager wondered how to close the gap. When out on the web there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my desk to see what was the matter; Away to my phone I …