Small Business Spotlight: International Clinic of Biological Regeneration
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Sep 18, 2016
The International Clinic of Biological Regeneration (ICBR) offers highly effective anti-aging treatments out of their clinics in Mexico and The Bahamas. The foundation of their treatments is Cell Therapy, a highly rejuvenating treatment that has been practiced by physicians in Europe since 1931. Just how rejuvenating? As you can see from my own head shot at ages 42 and 52, clients of ICBR don't seem to age at the same rate as our friends and family. I have been a client for the past 20 years and at age 52 I still run half marathons, feel great, sleep like a baby and while I'll admit to not being as blonde as I used to be, I certainly don't have grey hair.
Clients of ICBR don't always come forward to share their testimonials as many are in the public eye, including in the movie business and news media where for the sake of their careers they would prefer to have everyone think that they just woke up that way and it's all good genes! I was first convinced to try their therapy when twenty years ago I tried to set up a 50-something year old friend of mine with another 30-something year old friend, having no idea of their age difference! I asked my 50-something year old friend her secret as whatever she was doing I was all in! Since then, other than while I was pregnant, I have taken a quick day trip over to Nassau each December for my cell shots and have enjoyed the increased energy, feeling of well being and softer skin I always experience for many months afterwards.
Now certainly you can't party like a rock star, eat at McDonald's every day, go for an annual treatment at ICBR and expect to see the full benefits, but provided you are taking care of yourself, then the results can be pretty exciting. Most ICBR clients come back every year and it sure beats going under the knife or laser. As their tag line says, "no nips, no tucks, no kidding". It isn't a silver bullet but it tends to make everything else you are doing such as good nutrition, exercise and any other health treatments just work better.
ICBR was started by Dr. Tom Smith in 1981. A near fatal radiation accident as a medical student put him on a lifelong path of study in the field of alternative medicine. When it became apparent the orthodox approach was inadequate for his own health problems, he began to explore biochemical aspects of nutrition and, eventually, the study of homoeopathic medicine. He went on to study regenerative cellular therapy at the University of Vienna, University of London and the University of Mexico. He developed and held patents, both foreign and domestic, in enzyme stabilization processes, with licenses granted to various manufacturers. Dr. Tom's wife and co-founder Judi Smith is a clinical nutritionist and member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. According to Dr. William Johnson, Director of Medical Services for ICBR, "What the stem cell researchers are saying can happen in the future, we at the International Clinic have been witnessing for the past twenty nine years."
To learn more about ICBR and cell therapy go to The next clinics will be held in Tijuana on November 3rd and Nassau December 3rd with the Nassau clinic registrations closing November 11. Spaces fill up quickly and the next Nassau date is in May so if you're interested in turning back the clock, don't wait to give Judi a call at 1-800-826-5366 to discuss whether cell therapy is right for you.
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