How to Grab a Google Featured Snippet with Proper Blog Content Optimization

How to Grab a Google Featured Snippet with Proper Blog Content Optimization

Getting a Google featured snippet could put your blog at the top of the first page of results. This article explains why you need to pay attention to your blog content optimization strategy and what steps to take. How proper blog content optimization can land you a featured snippet on Google: 4 Strategies Keywords matter: Go after keywords with specific search intent. Answer questions for your audience: Figure out what people want to know, then help them solve real problems. Good structure is essential: Know the four main types of snippets and structure accordingly. Optimize URLs: More than three subfolders …

Does Your Healthcare Content Marketing Strategy Include Social Media?

Healthcare content marketing can seem like a complicated minefield to work through. Not only do you have to pique the attention of your audience, you also have to be timely with the information you put out and follow healthcare industry regulations. More than 40% of healthcare consumers use social media to find relevant information online. While most of these consumers are between the ages of 18-24, up to 90% of older web users have used social media to find and share health info. But when you’re stuck on how to use social media for your practice, what’s a provider to …