A month ago my business networking group decided that we should all run a charity 5K together and that it would be even more fun if we had team shirts with our group name and logos on it, like the real running shirts you get in races. We decided to get something nice, not one of those cheap throwaway tees but a sports tee that we could be proud of and wear again and again. I took the action to create the shirts and after having one of my talented graphic artists come up with a snappy looking design, I …
10 Branding and Process Lessons From A Whole Foods Store Opening
This morning at 8:00 a.m. the new Whole Foods Market opened in downtown Miami. From the crowds you would have thought that there was a rock star in town. People were lined up around the block and traffic was snarled around the corner. Despite having stores in Miami Beach and Coral Gables, this opening was a big deal. I must confess to being a bit of a Whole Foods junkie. Having spent so much of my career on the road, the first thing I would do when landing in a new city would be to check out the nearest Whole …