Recipe For “Brand Chocolate”: How To Be Irresistible

How do some brands seem to have that irresistible quality that creates a loyal following of happy clients who talk about them and refer others?  How do some brands seem to be found while others disappear? To explain, I like to use the analogy of a chocolate shop.  The chocolatier’s dilemma is that she has this amazing ingredient to work with that so many people will enjoy once they experience it but there are other chocolate shops on her block, so many ways she could prepare her chocolate, and so many different customers she could serve.  So how does she …

the importance of focus in business

The Importance Of Focus When You Run A Business

The importance of focus in business becomes evident when you first start your business. You feel a surge of excitement from your great idea, and a sense of certainty that “this is it”! You have done your homework and you just know that this will work. In a way, it feels like having a child and you put your entire heart and soul into the process. And then, you get your first client, then your second and your third…hurray! You’re thrilled to have your great idea validated by others who are willing to pay you for your product or service. …

business lessons from european entrepreneurs

4 Key Business Lessons From European Entrepreneurs

I recently returned from a family vacation in Europe and having previously lived and worked extensively there I was once again struck by the distinct cultural differences in business from which American entrepreneurs could learn a thing or two when contemplating business change. And so I present 4 key business lessons from European entrepreneurs. Lesson 1 from the Italians: Be passionate about your customers. No one can deny that the Italians are a passionate people. One need only witness an animated mobile phone conversation complete with wild hand gestures, or the expressiveness of an Italian driver to know this is …

Do You Wonder Why Good Clients Suddenly Stop Coming Back?

A new client (we’ll call her Jessica) recently came to me with a concern that she was delivering a service she was so convinced was a market need, yet clients who she expected to be flocking to her in droves were somewhat lukewarm, and other good clients would suddenly stop returning yet seemed happy with her service. We spoke about the importance of identifying her market sweet spot, the full discussion of which will be a topic for another day, but when I walked her through my “Buy It” chart, her eyes lit up with understanding. The Buy It chart …